Sunday, August 10, 2008

That Dratted Hat

Ok, I am a bit peeved at the moment. I had consulted with someone about adjusting the pattern for my silk garden beanie. It was knitting up beautifully, even with the pain of the finger that I jammed in the drawer at Mum's (note to self, watch drawer when you close it, not the two little nieces playing nearby). Even the knotted join in the yarn two rows before the decreases was going to stop me. What did bring the knitting to a grinding halt was the fact that when I was doing the first row of decreases, instead of knitting to pattern and ending up with 1 stitch left I had 8. No matter how many times I counted, I couldn't change the 8 to 1.

Now I am no expert at knitting patterns, that is why I got some expert help. What I can't do is make it work. I could keep going with my knitting, but I don't think the decreases will work. I am tempted to rip it right back to the beginning and start again knitting as is, and ending up with a pattern that is too big. Or following the pattern on smaller needles (original plan B) and maybe having the fabric too stiff. What to do?

I think I will have a glass of red and open the block of chocolate and get stuck into that while I think about it. One good thing, I love the yarn and the colours in it. I am wishing that I had bought more so I could do matching mittens.

I need to go have a second bowl of Cauliflower and Parmesan Soup. Yes it does deserve the capitals. I don't know what magazine it was in, but one of the Anaesthetists at work was telling us about what she was cooking for dinner a week or so ago, and it sounded so good that we had to copy the recipes. This soup had fennel in it, which I have never used. It makes it such a great soup that it beats the Stephanie Alexander cauli and vegemite soup - and I really loved that one.

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